Monday, June 23, 2008

O-festivalen Relay

Last day in Siggerud. Had the relay from the same events centre. Tom and Greta who were both first leg found it the most physical start to a relay they had done. lots of pushing and shoving and really fast. Tessa found the same when she was handed off too just as the m/w12 grades started and having to fight though swarms of little kids.
Greta and Tom both had good runs to bring both teams back near the front. Kate and Scott on second leg found the same and both teams were consistent around 20th to 25th. Unfortunately scott mispunched, not sure where and didnt really chase it with the organisers. The aussies mped on the same leg too so not too sure.
Georgia and Lizzie both had longer legs to finish off the girls relay and moved the team up to 16th which they were stoked as with.
Jack had by his own admission, his worst run so far, and lost some time. At least he looked good in his singlet and tights. Simon had the longest leg for the guys and made it around with only a few small errors.
Ross ran for his danish club Pan Århus and they finished in 11th after running in 3rd for a long time. The commentators kept calling it the joint Danish New Zealand team.
All of us felt like we had learned heaps from the first few days and that the mapping style and terrain is starting to help, hopefully we can translate this to göteborg.

Norway turned the rain on for us as we rushed to the bus station to leave. Norwegian public transport it turns out isnt flawless either and we had to wait an hour and a half for a bus. Lots of weird looks for our huge pile of luggage in the middle of oslo central bus station. As well as our luggage we also have another team member, Todd Oates is going to be our team physio.

Now that were in Göteborg were getting a taste of the Swedish military staying in an Army barracks. Had to present our passports to get in last night for our escort to our quarters. Also turns out were sharing our floor with a few soldiers until the end of the week. Lots of food though and plenty of space. Going to get our first taste of Göteborg terrain this afternoon.

We will add some photos here soon, otherwise check out Norm's Picassa Web for all the photo updates.

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